Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Beware of blinding loyalty...

The nice thing about the NFL off-season compared to other sports is that it gives every fan a reason for new optimism and hope with their team.  Unlike other sports, the NFL Draft provides teams with players who can make an instant impact.  For Lions fans like myself, you finally have a defensive play-maker that should, based on all projections, be an unstoppable force that frees up the rest of the defense while stopping the hell outta the run.  For New England Patriots fans, it's a chance to restock and reload some aging pieces on a once formidable defense.  New hope can also be found with the approach the Chicago Bears took this off-season in bringing in an offensive/defensive specialist to be a new coordinator.

Friday, April 23, 2010

So you think you can Draft...

It's amazing how much one event can force an individual to run a gauntlet of emotions.  It's not often I'll write in this blog from my perspective as a fan, but the opening round of the 2010 NFL Draft provided me with the ability to talk to my team and to a general perspective at the same time.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Did Creed just say the Marlins Suck?

That's right, I'm not ashamed to admit it, throughout my informative years I like to call high school, I was a big fan of the legendary super band Creed. Alright, maybe that's going a bit far but I'd be willing to bet you that there aren't many people out there who haven't heard Higher, With Arms Wide Open, My Sacrifice, the list goes on. So what does me being a Creed fan have to do with sports you ask, good question.

I just so happened to feel an urge to hear some Creed at work and did the logical thing, I pulled up YouTube. Now being a sports fan, when the results list popped up and I saw a Scott Stapp song paired with the Florida Marlins logo, I was intrigued and thought what the hell (the video is after the jump):

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today's Starting Pitcher 04.15

Although I won't have a blog post daily (unfortunately I do need to work and not talk about sports all day), I will however try to make sure I at least post one interesting sports item a day, well, at least Monday through Friday.  Today I give you this little bit of reporting from the NBC Sports department.

As we all are aware, one Tiger Woods has been involved in a little domestic drama over the past several months.  Most recently, Tiger, had a new commercial released that basically can be described as Tiger's father scolding him or at very least, giving him a stern talking to.

Well according to sources in contact with NBC, the other figure in this ongoing drama, Elin Woods, was none to happy about this commercial.  There are now beliefs surfacing that this may be the final straw to break the camels back and officially bring an end to Elin and Tiger's marriage.

There are also reports out there citing Tiger's return to golf coming so quickly after the fall out as a driving force in a possible Elin/Tiger separation.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure these two happening, if the sources are indeed correct, would add to the aggravation of this entire fiasco but let's be honest here, anyone who says the driving factor in a possible divorce is anything other that Tiger sleeping around with so many women needs a reality check.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We're Off and Running

I'd like to thank you for swinging on by and checking out Back To The Bleachers. What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to take a semi-serious and hopefully satirical look at the world of sports. I'll cover major events when they occur but will also take some time to enjoy and talk about the many things that make sports as enjoyable as they are. Feel free to comment with your own views and opinions or shoot me an email (backtothebleachers@hotmail.com) if you have a subject that you think readers would like to enjoy.

Have fun, comment often and in the immortal words of embattled University of Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez, "Let's be positive."